Impressive Progress at Oasis Mount Pleasant
If you have had a chance to drive past the site recently, you might have noticed some impressive progress. The tower crane is now fully erected and the site is buzzing with activities.
The site office has been relocated to ensure clear access into the basement ramp for future work and the crib room has been expanded to accommodate the increasing number of tradespeople on site.
A few key groundwork milestones have been achieved:
– Foundation pile caps have been poured & backfilled
– Stormwater tanks have been installed & connected
– Stair & lift core walls have been formed reinforced and poured to ground floor slab
What to look forward to in the coming month:
– Concrete columns to support the ground floor slab have commenced pouring and will be completed by mid November
-Formwork deck to support the ground floor suspended slab in underway allowing reinforcement & service trades access in the coming week
– Concrete trucks are now in high rotation and pouring is well underway. We have begun work on the basement slab and aim to pour concrete twice a week to complete the basement vertical and Ground Floor slabs throughout November and December
– With Christmas fast approaching we are scheduled to have Ground Floor suspended slabs poured with the formwork underway for Level 1
We are excited to share more updates as we continue to bring the building “out of the ground” and watch the progress take shape.
Enjoy the photos below and thank you for following along with us on this journey!

For more information, please contact our Sales Team – Sylvianna Phua – 0452 518 281.